November 14, 2012

An Introduction...

wash n go

I've been "natural" now for about 2 years. No I didnt big chop, so the above picture is not some miracle growth. But I did have to "transition" so to speak...

Though my mother cut out the perm in my hair at a young age, I still had to transition. I had to change my mind over. I couldnt stand my natural hair. I wanted my hair long and straight. I wanted it to do what it didnt want to do. I had to snap out of it.

I was never surrounded by negative talk about natural hair. Neither was I ever put down for the curls that would spring up whenever my hair was wet. My deterrant was simply the lack of positive views on natural hair. At school, on tv, in advertisements, I never saw where black girls wore their hair as is. Everyone was straight. Everyone. So I never knew how beautiful it really is. For a long time my hair was flatironed and kept nice and straight; straightened to my liking even if that meant damaging it. Of course I knew nothing of that. I just knew that I was achieving what I wanted and my hair grew and grew.
My hair had to be straight

Eventually, it seemed my hair had stopped growing. It had reached a certain length and didnt seem to get any longer. My ends seemed to be so raggedy every time I went to the hair salon and they would have to cut it. Even with the nightly wrapping and upkeep, my hair just came to a standstill..

I dont really know at what point I decided to wear my hair curly. I guess I realized that my hair needed some attention. I searched "how to's" online and found a plethora of...natural hair videos?? Where did these come from! I had found a gold mine. From then on everything was curls, coils, kinks, and then oils, butters, creams, and finally leave-ins, conditioners, and gels... I fell in love with my new found hair. My curly hair. It was no longer long and straight. But the exact opposite: super short (shrinkage) and super eye-catching (BIG). Was it a struggle getting used to the difference? Surprisingly, not really.

 And I have not looked back since, except the occasional special occasion of course. But I've been able to limit my straightening escapades to once a year. And that is that..

My goal is to, by means of this blog, provide useful information for those who also want to embrace their natural hair.

Wouldn't change the curls for the world

What was your natural hair turning point? And how did you make the transition?

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